Saturday, August 01, 2020

Moving Forward, Pressing On!

What Does Philippians 3:12 Mean?

For the past month, we have held our in-person worship service at 11am on Sunday morning. Many of you have had the opportunity to join us in the building. Please know, we continue to sanitize the sanctuary, provide hand sanitizer and masks, practice social distancing and refrain from congregational singing all to protect the ones we love from any possible threat of the coronavirus. We are following the challenge given to us by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 known as the love chapter where he says in verse 17, “Love always protects.” We will continue to do our best to provide an environment where it is safe for you to worship.

Others of you continue to join us online and we want you to continue doing so until that time comes when you feel more at ease with joining us in the sanctuary. I am excited to share with you that on Sunday, July 26th we began using a new camera that brings you a closer view of our chancel. This new technology is necessary as we continue to experiment with ways to make our digital presence better. Once again, I want to thank you for your patience and bearing with us as we learn and grow with this new technology. Yes, we have made mistakes with sound, etc. but you have been gracious in allowing us some room for error. As we get more proficient, we will continue to have a more meaningful impact on those engaging with our church online.

Speaking of our digital presence, have you driven by the church to see the new sign? Each day as I pull in the church parking lot the sign brings a smile to my heart. I’m not sure if it’s just because of all the bright brilliant colors, or the multiple messages that appear, or if there is an underlying joy of knowing I will not have to change letters in the freezing temperatures of winter? Perhaps my smile will only grow bigger as those winter days approach. For now, I am enjoying the warmer temperatures and the opportunities we have to communicate with our community as they drive by the church. Thank you once again to all of you who helped make this possible.

Now as we move forward toward the start of school and fall, most of us are wondering what things will look like? In many ways, we just don’t know. We do know the situation remains fluid and can change in a moment’s notice. I can assure you that we are looking at all possible data, opportunities, and seeking guidance to remain relevant as we share the love and gospel message with our community. I don’t know what next week or next month may look like? We take one day at a time and hope and pray we get some things right. I promise to convey any changes and opportunities to you as they become more clear. Let us rest assured that God is with us every step of the way and promises to never leave or forsake us. May we also keep our eyes on an eternal focus and not get caught up in so much of the temporary stuff. I know if you are anything like me, that is difficult to do but we must as Paul says in Philippians 3:14 keep pressing on, “I  press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

As we embrace August, I want to invite you on a journey in which we will examine the difficulties we sometimes have in believing in a God we cannot see. We often wonder why God didn’t answer our prayers, why God allows suffering and difficulties like Covid-19, or why we can’t feel His presence. I recognize God may not meet all your expectations—but that’s good news! Find out why in a new sermon series: I Want to Believe, But…  In this four week series, we'll discuss four different versions of “God” which don’t exist—they’re fabrications people often want to believe about the nature of God.  But when we start to put God in a box, we create our ideas about Him and what He’s supposed to do for us.

I hope you will make it a priority to join us in-person or online,


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